Monday, October 5, 2009

Custom Birthday Invitations Miss "A" turns 1!

My good friend and neighbor was brave enough to let me design birthday invites for her daughter's 1st birthday. I will have to say, I am pleased the way they turned out!! Mom and Dad were super excited as well! We matched them to the plates for the party. This was a first for me, and hope there are many more to come! If you are in the market for birthday invites, birth announcements, or Christmas cards, send me an e-mail and I'll design you a card for you!


1 comment:

  1. Morgan: You did such a terrific job with the invites and your photos are spectacular. You have the personality it takes to shoot kiddos which makes the pictures so full of life. THANK YOU for the invites (and for being such a great friend)! I see serendipity growing quickly.....
