Sunday, August 2, 2009


Ok fans! Here is your chance to receive a free photo shoot for up to 4 people and 5 free 5x7 photos. I'm trying to build up my portfolio and get some work out there to show besides Paityn! (I know you love seeing her adorable face everywhere!) I will be giving away a free photo session. You will receive:
1. A 1-1 1/2 photo session for 4 people($10 each additional person) at the location of your choice from the following: downtown Tulsa, or Woodward Park.
2. 5 5x7 prints-you choose the pose.
3. You can order any additional number of prints for 50% off my regular price- NO LIMIT!
Here's how to win- Leave a comment on my blog. I will draw a winner on August 21, 2009 from those that leave a comment. One catch, photo session must be completed by September 19, 2009. Good luck! Thank you to all who have supported me along this journey!


  1. I know we're set up for November, so I'm entering this one for my Bubs :) xo

  2. Would love to have you use my beautiful girls as models ... pick me! :)

  3. What a wonderful site, and hope we win!

  4. This sounds like a great deal! I would love this oppotunity. Pick my daughter Emma

    Lacy Bowden

  5. I love what you've done! I'm so excited for you! You're pictures are amazing!

  6. I notice you have pics of girls, Well i have 4 boys that can even it out a little! Regardless I will be calling you soon to do family pics! The site looks great!

  7. I finally made it here! I see I am one of your models on the website now! Hey...if you want to take some candid kid shots, you can always come to work with me and I can take you to our apartment complexes...we have all kinds of activites we do with the kids in Public Housing. I will have to get releases from the parents to post the pics...but you can get some good shots!

  8. Melissa, That would be awesome! I have a minor release. I will take you up on that!

  9. Hey! I have another idea! We are putting together a golf tournament for Oct. 19th at the golf course in Sand Springs! We were just talking about we need someone to take pics! There would be another place for you to get some different kind of pics added to your portfolio! Sports tournament, games and fun!

  10. Great idea. Pick me, pick me!!

  11. Can I register my son's family for the free photo shoot? They just had their 2nd child, are young and poor and I would love to have family pics of them. Lisa Fuller

  12. Good Luck Morgan! This is so exciting. Can't wait to see more picks. Hope you pick us so we can visit too!
