Thursday, August 27, 2009

The "M" kiddos!

I met this family through cheer with Paityn, and we have come to be pretty good friends. I had so much with these kiddos! Miss "B" is sooo full of energy, I wish I had half of it. Mr. "C" was so photogenic, and wanted to be in every picture. He was such a help in corralling his baby sister. Mrs. "P" had the best time posing for me, and was so cooperative. Here is a sneak peak for mom, I know she is dying to see some!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I had the pleasure of photographing the Collinsville Cardinals 2nd Grade cheer squad. I had a blast shooting these, despite the fact that I took pics of all 15 girls in an hour and a half!! Whew! Here is a sneak peak of the girls.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Well, we finally have a winner!! Thanks to all those who entered the contest. This was a really fun, and I will be doing it again. Keep checking back for more chances to win!! For all those who didn't win- I would like to offer you a consolation prize. Schedule a photo shoot that takes place before October 10, 2009 and you will receive this discounted package:

$30.00 session fee (1/2 must be paid at time of booking, remainder due at session)

2 complementary 5x7 photos

$50.00 print credit towards a purchase over $100.00

Session C.D containing 20-35 photos and rights to print up to a 8x10 for $150.00

I want to thank you for entering the contest and following me in my journey.

And the winner is:

Angela Cooper!


Sunday, August 16, 2009

Love the popcorn baloon holders!

The birthday girl!

mmmmm. Cake!

I had the pleasure of photographing sweet Miss Addie's birthday party this weekend. Her "Carnival" theme party was such a blast, I felt like a kid again! Here are a few from the party. If you need a photographer for your upcoming party, let me know. It was a blast, and I can't wait to do more!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Miss Addie came over the other day and spent the morning with us. I was able to capture the two being silly girls!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Welcome to my blog. I am working very hard on getting this photography bizz up and running. I appreciate all the families that have put up with my endless rambling about my business, and all those that were willing to be models for me! I couldn't have done it without you. Thanks for looking, here are a couple of sneak peeks.


Ok fans! Here is your chance to receive a free photo shoot for up to 4 people and 5 free 5x7 photos. I'm trying to build up my portfolio and get some work out there to show besides Paityn! (I know you love seeing her adorable face everywhere!) I will be giving away a free photo session. You will receive:
1. A 1-1 1/2 photo session for 4 people($10 each additional person) at the location of your choice from the following: downtown Tulsa, or Woodward Park.
2. 5 5x7 prints-you choose the pose.
3. You can order any additional number of prints for 50% off my regular price- NO LIMIT!
Here's how to win- Leave a comment on my blog. I will draw a winner on August 21, 2009 from those that leave a comment. One catch, photo session must be completed by September 19, 2009. Good luck! Thank you to all who have supported me along this journey!

The adorable baby Avery. Little Miss Avery is such a doll. She is my neighbor, and I have known her since she was born. I captured these sweet pictures just playing in the backyard one evening. I can't wait to have a real photo shoot with her and her gorgeous big sister.